Home of Marko's Amiga and AmigaOS stuff - both Classic and AmigaOS 4


Screenshots of AmigaOS

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My pimped Workbench and dockies My pimped Workbench
My dockies After installing Enhancer Software
WinUAE with Amiga OS 3.X, 68040, 72 MB memory Google in OWB web browser
AmigaOS 4.1 FE Workbench and open Windows Preferences 1.30 with Tooltypes
AmigaOS 4.1 FE Workbench-BoingCube-1.40 My dockeis in Workbench

AmigaOS 4.1 FE Workbench-Dir Me Up-2.72 AmigaOS 4.1 FE Workbench-Eurofighter Typhoon
2 screens, AOS4.1, Win7 and WinXP (and NAS and router) My Amiga keyboard
Sam440ep-flex 800MHz (AmigaOS 4) Sam440ep-flex 800MHz (AmigaOS 4)
My battlestation-AOS4.1, Win7 and WinXP (and NAS and router) Dir Me Up file manager
Odyssey web-browser and Workbench My dockeis in Workbench on 20160404

(All screenshots taken by me Marko, they are free to use for any purpose AFAIC.)

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