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Dir vs List vs ShowFiles (sf) Shell command on AmigaOS 4.1 FE

With all these DIR commands in Shell, what to choose? Here is a table that compares Dir, List and ShowFiles . Hope this helps you somewhat, and makes it little easier for you.

The – character denotes No (the command does not have this feature)

Feature Dir List ShowFiles
or sf version 0.990
Displays the template. ? ? ?
Display a specific directory or path. Yes Yes Yes
Pattern matching. Yes Yes Yes
Displays all subdirectories and their files. ALL ALL ALL, -a, --all
Displays only directories. DIRS DIRS DIRS, -d, --dirs
Displays only files. FILES FILES FILES, -f, --files
Displays only links. LINKS, -l, --links
Displays only 68k executables. 68K, -6, --68k
Displays only PowerPC (ELF) executables. PPC, -P, --ppc
Enters interactive listing mode. INTER
Executable programs and script files highlighted by printing their names in boldfaced script. SHOWPROGRAMS
How many file names will be printed per line depends upon the width of the output window and the lengths of the file names. Possible to limit how many names will be printed per line by specifying the maximum number of columns. MAXCOLUMNS
Display block number of each file header or directory. KEYS
Displays dates in the form DD-MMM-YY. DATES
Displays dates in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Yes, that's default and
REALDATES , -R, /R, --realdated forces it
Doesn't display date and time information. Yes, that's default NODATES
Specifies an output file or device, by default outputs to the current window. No, but you can type: > <file> TO <file> No, but you can type: > <file>
Lists only files containing the substring <string>. No, but you can use pattern-matching. SUB <string> No, but you can use pattern-matching.
Lists only files created on or after a certain <date>. SINCE <date>
Lists only files created on or before a certain <date>. UPTO <date>
Lists only the names of files and dirs. sort of QUICK
Outputs filesizes in blocks, instead of in bytes. BLOCK
Do not display the header information. NOHEAD Sort of with BARE
Sorted output listing. SORT <order> Yes by name is default,
SIZE by sizes and TIME by date, by type no
Reversing the output listing. Yes, with SORT <order> REVERSE, -r, --reverse
Display resolved file owner (or owner ID number). USERS MOST, -M, --most
Display resolved group owner (or group ID number.) GROUPS MOST, -M, --most
Display all linked dirs in a multi-assignemt. MULTI
Defines a string to specially format the output. LFORMAT
Uses bare format (no heading/summary information) Only head, with NOHEAD BARE, -b, --bare
Trace filenames with initial /, *, or @. TRACE, -j, --trail
Trail filenames with final /, *, or @. TRAIL, -i, --trail
Display the date first in each row in the listing. DATEFIRST, -e, --datefirst
Display a help text. HELP, -?
The output is color coded. Yes, default
Links are underlined in the listing. Yes, default
Comments are displayed in italic. Yes, default
Displays executable type. MORE or MOST
Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files. MORE or MOST
Shows free disk space. MORE or MOST
Shows sizes in bytes. MORE, -m, --more
Shows sizes in kB (1000). MOST, -M, --most
Shows sizes in KiB (1024). Yes, default
Omit comments in output listings. NOCOMMENTS, -o, /o, --nocomments
Supports automatic updates. Yes, through AmiUpdate Yes, through AmiUpdate Yes, through AmiUpdate
Support Shell/Console with black background. Yes, default Yes, default SETBLACKBG
The command is included by default in the OS. Yes Yes

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